

Empowering Women in the Workplace: A Commitment to Gender Equality at Globe One Digital

07 March 2024
As the world comes together to celebrate International Women's Day, Globe One Digital takes pride in its commitment to empowering women in the workplace. With 67% of our workforce being women, we recognize the significance of fostering a diverse and supportive environment, eliminating gender discrimination, and championing equality. In this article, we shed light on the various measures and initiatives we've implemented to create an inclusive workplace that nurtures the professional growth of women.

Promoting Gender Inclusivity: Globe One Digital's Strategies and Actions in the Workplace

Equal Pay and Benefits: At Globe One Digital, we firmly believe in equal pay for equal work. Regular checks are conducted to ensure transparency and competitiveness in remuneration and benefits packages, setting a benchmark for fairness within our organization.

Flexible Work Models: Understanding the demands of motherhood, we champion flexibility. Implementing flexible working hours, telecommuting options, and part-time work enables working mothers to strike a balance between professional success and familial responsibilities.

Family Friendly Policies: Our commitment extends to family-friendly policies, including leave provisions for both parents, pregnancy allowances and extra bonuses, ensuring a supportive environment for women to thrive in their personal and professional spheres.

Professional Development and Training: Globe One Digital invests in the professional development of women through tailored support programs and non-bias diversity and inclusion training for all employees.

Promoting Equality in Communication: Setting targets to increase women's representation in head and managerial positions is a testament to our dedication to gender equality, fostering an environment of inclusivity.

Recruitment Practices: Ensuring diversity in candidate selection for job vacancies is a core element of our recruitment strategy, creating opportunities for a broad spectrum of talents.

Back to Work Support for Mothers: We provide resources for skills development and career retraining to support mothers returning to the workforce.

Addressing Harassment and Discrimination: Anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, coupled with a culture that encourages reporting incidents, underscore our commitment to a safe and inclusive workplace.

Promoting Work-Life Balance: We actively encourage a healthy work-life balance, preventing burnout through wellness and physical health programs.

Transparent Communication: Being openly informed about our initiatives ensures transparency, reinforcing our commitment to women's diversity and inclusion.

Intersectionality Awareness: We acknowledge and address the different challenges faced by diverse groups, ensuring an equal working environment for everyone, as outlined in our signed Diversity Charter.

Policy for Suppliers: Globe One Digital extends its commitment to diversity by encouraging the same among our suppliers and partners.

CSR Actions: Our Corporate Social Responsibility strategies focus on empowering women in sports and art, featuring inspiring figures like Marianna Lourba, Despoina Karantani, Ioanna Tsahtsirli, Women’s Basket Sporting Team, Women’s Volleyball Team Ilioupoli, and Andrikopoulou Zoi, our national champion middle-distance runner.

As we delve into Globe One Digital's commitment to gender equality, we bring forth the voices of individuals who exemplify the transformative impact of our inclusive workplace policies. Through their experiences, we gain insight into the strategic measures taken by our company to empower individuals in their professional journeys. Here, two remarkable perspectives shed light on the significance of remote work, flexibility, and the overall commitment to fostering an environment where personal and professional growth coexist harmoniously.

Maria Patrikiou, Corporate Communications Manager, Globe One Digital: " Being a new mom is demanding and stressful on its own, let alone when balancing motherhood with managing a demanding role and career. Working remotely and flexible hours was the only solution for me that allowed me to be present for my child in the first years of her life while also enabling me to continue pursuing my career efficiently and productively. It has provided a much less stressful way to navigate the challenges of juggling the responsibilities of being both a mom and a career woman simultaneously."

Ilianna Mathioudaki, Head of Social Media, Globe One Digital: "At Globe One Digital, working in an environment that values gender equality has been transformative. It's empowering to be part of a company that not only embraces diversity but also actively works towards creating equal opportunities for everyone. This commitment fosters innovation, collaboration, and a workplace where every individual can flourish."

At Globe One Digital, we're not just envisioning an equal working environment; we're actively creating it. In our pursuit of excellence, gender diversity is not a point of discussion; it's an inherent part of our identity, shaping a workplace where individuals thrive and collectively contribute to our shared success.

As we celebrate International Women's Day, Globe One Digital stands firm in its commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace. Our initiatives, policies, and practices reflect not only our dedication to gender equality but also our proactive approach in making it a seamless part of our corporate culture. We believe that gender diversity is not just a goal but a living reality that contributes to a dynamic and thriving workforce.


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