

Google Gmail Inbox Advertising - Gmail Sponsored Promotions!

20 September 2013

Google recently made a radical redesign of the Gmail inbox.

On the desktop, the new inbox interface, groups all mails into categories which appear as different tabs: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums.

In the Gmail for Android 4.0+ and Gmail for iPhone and iPad apps, users will see their Primary mail when they open the app and afterwards they will navigate to the other tabs.

The company has shown ads alongside Gmail messages for years, but the new Gmail Sponsored Promotions will appear as messages that can be opened like e-mails and forwarded to others!


The new ads will appear only in the new "Promotions" tab of Gmail's new multi-tab interface, and they're marked with a yellow background and labeled "ad".












The new Gmail Inbox Ads are considered to be an improvement and at the same time, a new step to turn free services into revenue sources.

Since Google and Gmail are free to use & the new ads are safe, unobtrusive, and relevant, the Brands should take advantage of this new feature as soon as possible.

The main challenge for the Brands is to find a way to get close to the users’ most private spaces, without annoying them.

Gmail inboxes, which are often packed with years’ of histories as well as gigabytes of e-mail, are purely interior space - unlike Facebook or Twitter!

So, how can you communicate your message as a Top Brand, politely?

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